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mitkHEMesh Class Reference

mitkHEMesh - a concrete class for polygon meshes represented by Half Edges More...

#include <mitkHEMesh.h>

Inherits mitkMesh.

Inherited by mitkHETriangleMesh.

Inheritance diagram for mitkHEMesh:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for mitkHEMesh:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Public Types

typedef VertexVertexIterT<
typedef VertexOHalfedgeIterT<
typedef VertexIHalfedgeIterT<
typedef VertexEdgeIterT< mitkHEMeshVertexEdgeIterator
typedef VertexFaceIterT< mitkHEMeshVertexFaceIterator
typedef FaceVertexIterT< mitkHEMeshFaceVertexIterator
typedef FaceHalfedgeIterT<
typedef FaceEdgeIterT< mitkHEMeshFaceEdgeIterator
typedef FaceFaceIterT< mitkHEMeshFaceFaceIterator
typedef VertexIterT< mitkHEMeshVertexIterator
typedef EdgeIterT< mitkHEMeshEdgeIterator
typedef FaceIterT< mitkHEMeshFaceIterator

Public Member Functions

virtual void PrintSelf (ostream &os)
 mitkHEMesh ()
virtual int GetDataObjectType () const
virtual void Initialize ()
virtual void ShallowCopy (mitkDataObject *src)
virtual void DeepCopy (mitkDataObject *src)
virtual size_type GetVertexNumber () const
virtual size_type GetFaceNumber () const
size_type GetEdgeNumber () const
void ClearGarbage ()
VertexHandle AddVertex (Vertex const &vert)
VertexHandle AddVertex (Point3f const &point, Point3f const &normal)
VertexHandle AddVertex (float x, float y, float z, float nx=0.0f, float ny=0.0f, float nz=0.0f)
VertexHandle AddVertex (float v[6])
FaceHandle AddFace (unsigned int n, VertexHandle *vertices)
void DeleteVertex (VertexHandle vert)
void DeleteEdge (EdgeHandle edge, bool deleteIsolatedVertices)
void DeleteFace (FaceHandle face, bool deleteIsolatedVertices)
HalfEdgeHandle FindHalfEdge (VertexHandle vert0, VertexHandle vert1)
bool IsBoundary (HalfEdgeHandle halfedge) const
bool IsBoundary (VertexHandle vert) const
bool IsBoundary (EdgeHandle edge) const
bool IsManifold (VertexHandle vert)
virtual Vertex & GetVertex (VertexHandle v) const =0
virtual Edge & GetEdge (EdgeHandle e) const =0
virtual Edge & GetEdge (HalfEdgeHandle he) const =0
virtual HalfEdge & GetHalfEdge (HalfEdgeHandle he) const =0
virtual Face & GetFace (FaceHandle f) const =0
virtual VertexHandle GetHandle (Vertex const &vert) const =0
virtual EdgeHandle GetHandle (Edge const &edge) const =0
virtual HalfEdgeHandle GetHandle (HalfEdge const &he) const =0
virtual FaceHandle GetHandle (Face const &face) const =0
EdgeHandle GetEdgeHandle (HalfEdgeHandle he) const
HalfEdgeHandle PairHalfEdge (HalfEdgeHandle he) const
HalfEdgeHandle NextHalfEdge (HalfEdgeHandle he) const
HalfEdgeHandle PrevHalfEdge (HalfEdgeHandle he) const
VertexHandle EndVertex (HalfEdgeHandle he) const
FaceHandle AdjFace (HalfEdgeHandle he) const
HalfEdgeHandle OutHalfEdge (VertexHandle v) const
HalfEdgeHandle OneHalfEdge (FaceHandle f) const
bool IsValid (VertexHandle v) const
bool IsValid (EdgeHandle e) const
bool IsValid (HalfEdgeHandle he) const
bool IsValid (FaceHandle f) const
size_type GetValidVertexNumber () const
size_type GetValidEdgeNumber () const
size_type GetValidFaceNumber () const
virtual bool TestClockwise ()
void ClearFlags ()

Detailed Description

mitkHEMesh - a concrete class for polygon meshes represented by Half Edges

mitkHEMesh is a concrete class for polygon meshes which are represented by Half Edge Type. This implementation of half edge references to OpenMesh written by Computer Graphics Group, RWTH Aachen.

Some Structs Used in this Class
Besides the point coordinates and normal of the vertex, Vertex struct also contains the handle of outgoing half edge. It is defined as follows:
    struct HEVertex : public _flag_base
            Vertex3f vert;
                Point3f point;
                Point3f normal;
        HEHalfEdgeHandle outHalfEdge; // handle of outgoing half edge   
It contains the handles of its end vertex, opposite half edge, next half edge, previous half edge and adjacent face. It is defined as follows:
    struct HEHalfEdge
        HEVertexHandle endVertex;      // handle of end vertex
        HEHalfEdgeHandle pairHalfEdge; // handle of opposite half edge
        HEHalfEdgeHandle nextHalfEdge; // handle of next half edge
        HEHalfEdgeHandle prevHalfEdge; // handle of previous half edge
        HEFaceHandle face;
It contains two opposite half edges, defined as follows:
    struct HEEdge : public _flag_base
        HEHalfEdge halfEdge[2];
It contains the handle of one of its half edges, defined as follows:
    struct _face : public _flag_base
        HEHalfEdgeHandle oneHalfEdge; // handle of one half edge
Furthermore, HEVertex, HEEdge and HEFace are all derived from _flag_base, which provides a set of methods to make some special marks on these items when processing a mitkHEMesh in your algorithm. You can make and unmake 31 different marks from ``flag0'' to ``flag30'' through the methods _flag_base::SetFlag(FLAGS f) and _flag_base::UnSetFlag(FLAGS f), and test these flags through the method _flag_base::GetFlag(FLAGS f). _flag_base::SetDeleted(bool del=true) is reserved by MITK, which means some procedures inside MITK will make ``delete'' marks after deleting some items. You can test if an item is deleted by MITK through the method _flag_base::IsDeleted().
Handles including HEVertexHandle, HEHalfEdgeHandle, HEEdgeHandle and HEFaceHandle are encapsulations of index. Methods in mitkHEMesh use handles to deal with items instead of using indices directly. You can get index from a handle through the method *HandleIdx(), and test a handle's validation through the method *HandleIsValid().
The detailed definition can be found in mitkHalfEdgeStructures.h and mitkGeometryTypes.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef EdgeIterT<mitkHEMesh> mitkHEMesh::EdgeIterator

EdgeIterator is an iterator class for iterating over all edges of a mitkHEMesh object.

The code snippet for using this class:

    // mesh is a pointer to an object of mitkHEMesh
    mitkHEMesh::EdgeIterator iter(mesh);
    for ( ; iter; ++iter)
        // iter is the pointer to current edge
        // *iter is the reference to current edge
        // iter.Handle() returns the handle of current edge
        do something with iter, *iter or iter.Handle();

typedef FaceEdgeIterT<mitkHEMesh> mitkHEMesh::FaceEdgeIterator

FaceEdgeIterator is an iterator class for iterating over a face's edges.

The code snippet for using this class:

    // mesh is a pointer to an object of mitkHEMesh
    // center is the handle of the face
    mitkHEMesh::FaceEdgeIterator iter(mesh, center);
    for ( ; iter; ++iter)
        // iter is the pointer to current edge
        // *iter is the reference to current edge
        // iter.Handle() returns the handle of current edge
        do something with iter, *iter or iter.Handle();

typedef FaceFaceIterT<mitkHEMesh> mitkHEMesh::FaceFaceIterator

FaceFaceIterator is an iterator class for iterating over a face's all edge-neighboring faces.

The code snippet for using this class:

    // mesh is a pointer to an object of mitkHEMesh
    // center is the handle of the face
    mitkHEMesh::FaceFaceIterator iter(mesh, center);
    for ( ; iter; ++iter)
        // iter is the pointer to current edge-neighboring face
        // *iter is the reference to current edge-neighboring face
        // iter.Handle() returns the handle of current edge-neighboring face
        do something with iter, *iter or iter.Handle();

typedef FaceHalfedgeIterT<mitkHEMesh> mitkHEMesh::FaceHalfedgeIterator

FaceHalfedgeIterator is an iterator class for iterating over a face's half edges.

The code snippet for using this class:

    // mesh is a pointer to an object of mitkHEMesh
    // center is the handle of the face
    mitkHEMesh::FaceHalfedgeIterator iter(mesh, center);
    for ( ; iter; ++iter)
        // iter is the pointer to current half edge
        // *iter is the reference to current half edge
        // iter.Handle() returns the handle of current half edge
        do something with iter, *iter or iter.Handle();

typedef FaceIterT<mitkHEMesh> mitkHEMesh::FaceIterator

FaceIterator is an iterator class for iterating over all faces of a mitkHEMesh object.

The code snippet for using this class:

    // mesh is a pointer to an object of mitkHEMesh
    mitkHEMesh::FaceIterator iter(mesh);
    for ( ; iter; ++iter)
        // iter is the pointer to current face
        // *iter is the reference to current face
        // iter.Handle() returns the handle of current face
        do something with iter, *iter or iter.Handle();

typedef FaceVertexIterT<mitkHEMesh> mitkHEMesh::FaceVertexIterator

FaceVertexIterator is an iterator class for iterating over a face's vertices.

The code snippet for using this class:

    // mesh is a pointer to an object of mitkHEMesh
    // center is the handle of the face
    mitkHEMesh::FaceVertexIterator iter(mesh, center);
    for ( ; iter; ++iter)
        // iter is the pointer to current vertex
        // *iter is the reference to current vertex
        // iter.Handle() returns the handle of current vertex
        do something with iter, *iter or iter.Handle();

typedef VertexEdgeIterT<mitkHEMesh> mitkHEMesh::VertexEdgeIterator

VertexEdgeIterator is an iterator class for iterating over all incident edges around a vertex.

The code snippet for using this class:

    // mesh is a pointer to an object of mitkHEMesh
    // center is the handle of the center vertex
    mitkHEMesh::VertexEdgeIterator iter(mesh, center);
    for ( ; iter; ++iter)
        // iter is the pointer to current incident edge
        // *iter is the reference to current incident edge
        // iter.Handle() returns the handle of current incident edge
        do something with iter, *iter or iter.Handle();

typedef VertexFaceIterT<mitkHEMesh> mitkHEMesh::VertexFaceIterator

VertexFaceIterator is an iterator class for iterating over all adjacent faces around a vertex.

The code snippet for using this class:

    // mesh is a pointer to an object of mitkHEMesh
    // center is the handle of the center vertex
    mitkHEMesh::VertexFaceIterator iter(mesh, center);
    for ( ; iter; ++iter)
        // iter is the pointer to current adjacent face
        // *iter is the reference to current adjacent face
        // iter.Handle() returns the handle of current adjacent face
        do something with iter, *iter or iter.Handle();

typedef VertexIHalfedgeIterT<mitkHEMesh> mitkHEMesh::VertexIHalfedgeIterator

VertexIHalfedgeIterator is an iterator class for iterating over all incoming half edges around a vertex.

The code snippet for using this class:

    // mesh is a pointer to an object of mitkHEMesh
    // center is the handle of the center vertex
    mitkHEMesh::VertexIHalfedgeIterator iter(mesh, center);
    for ( ; iter; ++iter)
        // iter is the pointer to current incoming half edge
        // *iter is the reference to current incoming half edge
        // iter.Handle() returns the handle of current incoming half edge
        do something with iter, *iter or iter.Handle();

typedef VertexIterT<mitkHEMesh> mitkHEMesh::VertexIterator

VertexIterator is an iterator class for iterating over all vertices of a mitkHEMesh object.

The code snippet for using this class:

    // mesh is a pointer to an object of mitkHEMesh
    mitkHEMesh::VertexIterator iter(mesh);
    for ( ; iter; ++iter)
        // iter is the pointer to current vertex
        // *iter is the reference to current vertex
        // iter.Handle() returns the handle of current vertex
        do something with iter, *iter or iter.Handle();

typedef VertexOHalfedgeIterT<mitkHEMesh> mitkHEMesh::VertexOHalfedgeIterator

VertexOHalfedgeIterator is an iterator class for iterating over all outgoing half edges around a vertex.

The code snippet for using this class:

    // mesh is a pointer to an object of mitkHEMesh
    // center is the handle of the center vertex
    mitkHEMesh::VertexOHalfedgeIterator iter(mesh, center);
    for ( ; iter; ++iter)
        // iter is the pointer to current outgoing half edge
        // *iter is the reference to current outgoing half edge
        // iter.Handle() returns the handle of current outgoing half edge
        do something with iter, *iter or iter.Handle();

typedef VertexVertexIterT<mitkHEMesh> mitkHEMesh::VertexVertexIterator

VertexVertexIterator is an iterator class for iterating over all neighboring vertices around a vertex.

The code snippet for using this class:

    // mesh is a pointer to an object of mitkHEMesh
    // center is the handle of the center vertex
    mitkHEMesh::VertexVertexIterator iter(mesh, center);
    for ( ; iter; ++iter)
        // iter is the pointer to current neighboring vertex
        // *iter is the reference to current neighboring vertex
        // iter.Handle() returns the handle of current neighboring vertex
        do something with iter, *iter or \e r.Handle();

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

mitkHEMesh::mitkHEMesh  ) 

Default constructor.

Member Function Documentation

FaceHandle mitkHEMesh::AddFace unsigned int  n,
VertexHandle *  vertices

Add Face.

n the number of vertices of the face to add
vertices array of the VertexHandle which compose the face
Return the handle of the face added.
Each VertexHandle in the array must be valid, i.e. represents a existent vertex in the mesh (has been ``Add*''ed before).

VertexHandle mitkHEMesh::AddVertex float  v[6]  )  [inline]

Add vertex.

v[0] the x-coordinate of the vertex to add
v[1] the y-coordinate of the vertex to add
v[2] the z-coordinate of the vertex to add
v[3] the x-coordinate of the vertex's normal
v[4] the y-coordinate of the vertex's normal
v[5] the z-coordinate of the vertex's normal
Return the handle of the vertex added.

VertexHandle mitkHEMesh::AddVertex float  x,
float  y,
float  z,
float  nx = 0.0f,
float  ny = 0.0f,
float  nz = 0.0f

Add vertex.

x the x-coordinate of the vertex to add
y the y-coordinate of the vertex to add
z the z-coordinate of the vertex to add
nx the x-coordinate of the vertex's normal, the default value is 0.0f
ny the y-coordinate of the vertex's normal, the default value is 0.0f
nz the z-coordinate of the vertex's normal, the default value is 0.0f
Return the handle of the vertex added.

VertexHandle mitkHEMesh::AddVertex Point3f const &  point,
Point3f const &  normal

Add vertex.

point the coordinates of the vertex to add
normal the normal of the vertex to add
Return the handle of the vertex added.

VertexHandle mitkHEMesh::AddVertex Vertex const &  vert  )  [inline]

Add vertex.

vert the vertex to add
Return the handle of the vertex added.

FaceHandle mitkHEMesh::AdjFace HalfEdgeHandle  he  )  const [inline]

Get the handle of one half edge's adjacent face.

he the handle of the half edge
Return the handle of the face.
A face is made up of an inner loop of half edges.

void mitkHEMesh::ClearFlags  ) 

Clear all the user-set flags except MITK_FLAG_DELETED.

void mitkHEMesh::ClearGarbage  ) 

Clear the garbage generated by deletion.

Call this function before any kinds of iteration.

virtual void mitkHEMesh::DeepCopy mitkDataObject src  )  [virtual]

Deep copy.

src pointer to the source mitkDataObject

Reimplemented from mitkMesh.

Reimplemented in mitkHEICTriangleMesh, and mitkHEOoCTriangleMesh.

void mitkHEMesh::DeleteEdge EdgeHandle  edge,
bool  deleteIsolatedVertices

Delete edge.

edge the handle of the edge to be deleted
deleteIsolatedVertices whether to delete the isolated vertices after deleting the edge

void mitkHEMesh::DeleteFace FaceHandle  face,
bool  deleteIsolatedVertices

Delete face.

face the handle of the face to be deleted
deleteIsolatedVertices whether to delete the isolated vertices after deleting the face

void mitkHEMesh::DeleteVertex VertexHandle  vert  ) 

Delete vertex.

vert the handle of the vertex to be deleted

VertexHandle mitkHEMesh::EndVertex HalfEdgeHandle  he  )  const [inline]

Get the handle of one half edge's end vertex.

he the handle of the half edge
Return the handle of the end vertex.

HalfEdgeHandle mitkHEMesh::FindHalfEdge VertexHandle  vert0,
VertexHandle  vert1

Find halfedge from vert0 to vert1.

vert0 the handle of the start vertex
vert1 the handle of the end vertex
Return the handle of the half edge between vert0 and vert1. If no half edge is found, the returned handle will be invalid. Use HalfEdgeHandle::IsValid() to test it.

virtual int mitkHEMesh::GetDataObjectType  )  const [inline, virtual]

Return what type of data object this is.

Return the type of this data object.

Reimplemented from mitkMesh.

Reimplemented in mitkHEICTriangleMesh, and mitkHEOoCTriangleMesh.

virtual Edge& mitkHEMesh::GetEdge HalfEdgeHandle  he  )  const [pure virtual]

Get edge by half edge handle.

he one half edge handle of the required edge
Return the reference to the required edge.
An edge is composed by two opposite half edges.

virtual Edge& mitkHEMesh::GetEdge EdgeHandle  e  )  const [pure virtual]

Get edge by handle.

e the handle of the required edge
Return the reference to the required edge.

EdgeHandle mitkHEMesh::GetEdgeHandle HalfEdgeHandle  he  )  const [inline]

Get the handle of an edge by one of its half edge's handle.

he one half edge's handle of the edge
Return the handle of the edge.
An edge is composed by two opposite half edges.

size_type mitkHEMesh::GetEdgeNumber  )  const [inline]

Get edge number.

Return the number of edges.

virtual Face& mitkHEMesh::GetFace FaceHandle  f  )  const [pure virtual]

Get face by handle.

f the handle of the required face
Return the reference to the required face.

virtual size_type mitkHEMesh::GetFaceNumber  )  const [inline, virtual]

Get face number.

Return the number of faces.

Implements mitkMesh.

virtual HalfEdge& mitkHEMesh::GetHalfEdge HalfEdgeHandle  he  )  const [pure virtual]

Get half edge by handle.

he the handle of the required half edge
Return the reference to the required half edge.

virtual FaceHandle mitkHEMesh::GetHandle Face const &  face  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the handle of a face.

face the reference to the face
Return the handle of the face.

virtual HalfEdgeHandle mitkHEMesh::GetHandle HalfEdge const &  he  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the handle of a half edge.

he the reference to the half edge
Return the handle of the half edge.

virtual EdgeHandle mitkHEMesh::GetHandle Edge const &  edge  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the handle of an edge.

edge the reference to the edge
Return the handle of the edge.

virtual VertexHandle mitkHEMesh::GetHandle Vertex const &  vert  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the handle of a vertex.

vert the reference to the vertex
Return the handle of the vertex.

size_type mitkHEMesh::GetValidEdgeNumber  )  const [inline]

Get the number of current valid edges in this mesh.

Return the number of the valid edges.
For some reasons of efficiency, deleting some components from the mesh does not really remove the components from the memory, but just make marks on them. Therefore, after the delete operations, the total number of the components in the memory does not equal to the number of the valid ones. So, use this function to get the right number. Furthermore, ClearGarbage() will remove the deleted components from the memory at last.

size_type mitkHEMesh::GetValidFaceNumber  )  const [inline]

Get the number of current valid faces in this mesh.

Return the number of the valid faces.
For some reasons of efficiency, deleting some components from the mesh does not really remove the components from the memory, but just make marks on them. Therefore, after the delete operations, the total number of the components in the memory does not equal to the number of the valid ones. So, use this function to get the right number. Furthermore, ClearGarbage() will remove the deleted components from the memory at last.

size_type mitkHEMesh::GetValidVertexNumber  )  const [inline]

Get the number of current valid vertices in this mesh.

Return the number of the valid vertices.
For some reasons of efficiency, deleting some components from the mesh does not really remove the components from the memory but just make marks on them. Therefore, after the delete operations, the total number of the components in the memory does not equal to the number of the valid ones. So, use this function to get the right number. Furthermore, ClearGarbage() will remove the deleted components from the memory at last.

virtual Vertex& mitkHEMesh::GetVertex VertexHandle  v  )  const [pure virtual]

Get vertex by handle.

v the handle of the required vertex
Return the reference to the required vertex.

virtual size_type mitkHEMesh::GetVertexNumber  )  const [inline, virtual]

Get vertex number.

Return the number of vertices.

Implements mitkMesh.

virtual void mitkHEMesh::Initialize  )  [virtual]

Make the output data ready for new data to be inserted.

Reimplemented from mitkMesh.

Reimplemented in mitkHEICTriangleMesh, mitkHEOoCTriangleMesh, and mitkHETriangleMesh.

bool mitkHEMesh::IsBoundary EdgeHandle  edge  )  const [inline]

Boundary test for edge.

edge the handle of the edge to be tested
Return true if edge is a boundary edge, otherwise return false.

bool mitkHEMesh::IsBoundary VertexHandle  vert  )  const [inline]

Boundary test for vertex.

vert the handle of the vertex to be tested
Return true if vert is a boundary vertex, otherwise return false.

bool mitkHEMesh::IsBoundary HalfEdgeHandle  halfedge  )  const [inline]

Boundary test for half edge.

halfedge the handle of the half edge to be tested
Return true if halfedge is a boundary half edge, otherwise return false.

bool mitkHEMesh::IsManifold VertexHandle  vert  )  [inline]

Manifold test for vertex. The vertex is non-manifold if more than one gap exists, i.e. more than one outgoing boundary halfedge. If one boundary halfedge exists, the vertex' halfedge must be a boundary halfedge. If iterating around the vertex finds another boundary halfedge, the vertex is non-manifold.

vert the handle of the vertex to be tested
Return true if the vertex is manifold, otherwise return false.

bool mitkHEMesh::IsValid FaceHandle  f  )  const [inline]

Test the validity of one face handle.

f the handle of the face to be tested
Return true if this handle is valid, otherwise return false.

bool mitkHEMesh::IsValid HalfEdgeHandle  he  )  const [inline]

Test the validity of one half edge handle.

he the handle of the half edge to be tested
Return true if this handle is valid, otherwise return false.

bool mitkHEMesh::IsValid EdgeHandle  e  )  const [inline]

Test the validity of one edge handle.

e the handle of the edge to be tested
Return true if this handle is valid, otherwise return false.

bool mitkHEMesh::IsValid VertexHandle  v  )  const [inline]

Test the validity of one vertex handle.

v the handle of the vertex to be tested
Return true if this handle is valid, otherwise return false.

HalfEdgeHandle mitkHEMesh::NextHalfEdge HalfEdgeHandle  he  )  const [inline]

Get the handle of one half edge's next half edge.

he the handle of the half edge
Return the handle of the next half edge.

HalfEdgeHandle mitkHEMesh::OneHalfEdge FaceHandle  f  )  const [inline]

Get the handle of one half edge in one face.

f the handle of the face
Return the handle of one of the face's half edges.
A face is made up of an inner loop of half edges.

HalfEdgeHandle mitkHEMesh::OutHalfEdge VertexHandle  v  )  const [inline]

Get the handle of one vertex's out half edge.

v the handle of the vertex
Return the handle of the out half edge.

HalfEdgeHandle mitkHEMesh::PairHalfEdge HalfEdgeHandle  he  )  const [inline]

Get the handle of one half edge's opposite.

he the handle of the half edge
Return the handle of the opposite half edge.

HalfEdgeHandle mitkHEMesh::PrevHalfEdge HalfEdgeHandle  he  )  const [inline]

Get the handle of one half edge's previous half edge.

he the handle of the half edge
Return the handle of the previous half edge.

virtual void mitkHEMesh::PrintSelf ostream &  os  )  [virtual]

Print the necessary information about this object for the debugging purpose.

os The specified ostream to output information.

Reimplemented from mitkMesh.

Reimplemented in mitkHEICTriangleMesh, mitkHEOoCTriangleMesh, and mitkHETriangleMesh.

virtual void mitkHEMesh::ShallowCopy mitkDataObject src  )  [virtual]


src pointer to the source mitkDataObject

Reimplemented from mitkMesh.

Reimplemented in mitkHEICTriangleMesh, and mitkHEOoCTriangleMesh.

virtual bool mitkHEMesh::TestClockwise  )  [virtual]

Test the orientation of front-facing polygons.

Return true if the orientation of front-facing polygons is clockwise, otherwise return false.

Implements mitkMesh.

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